Episode 106 – HEV’s and BEV’s: You’re Probably More Ready Than You Think

Episode 106 – HEV’s and BEV’s: You’re Probably More Ready Than You Think
Guest: Craig Van Battenburg, Founder & Owner, Automotive Career Development Center (ACDC)
There are few individuals outside of the engineering community that know hybrid-electric vehicles as well as Craig Van Battenburg. As the founder and owner of Automotive Career Development Center (ACDC), Craig is acknowledged as one of the foremost experts on hybrid-electric (HEV) and battery-electric (BEV) diagnosis, service and repair. For the past 20 years, he’s been training shop owners and technicians on what they need to know to incorporate hybrid and electric vehicles into the service mix in their shops. In short, Craig knows a lot about what independent shop owners need to consider in terms of equipment and training if they're thinking about getting into the HEV or BEV service business. From Craig’s perspective, it’s all good news!
Listen in as Craig shares his wisdom on everything electric, including:
- Why he closed his repair shop and opened ACDC to help prepare the automotive service industry for an electric future.
- His advice on what shop owners need to do to prepare to service battery electric vehicles.
- What sort of equipment a shop already doing hybrid service needs to add beyond what they already have to begin servicing BEV's?
- The investment in training and equipment necessary to service what’s on the road today and what’s coming tomorrow.
- The wisdom of incorporating a HEV/BEV technician development program within the shop training program.
- The differences and similarities between what a technician needs to know to service hybrids vs. battery electric vehicles.
- Craig’s thoughts about how quickly the vehicle fleet will become more electrified to the point where they represent more than a small fraction of the vehicle fleet.
- Valuable advice for shop owners thinking about making the investment in either growing or getting into the HEV/BEV service market.
- For more information visit www.fixev.com