Episode 15 – ASA Chairman Shares What’s Next for 2020

Episode 15 – ASA Chairman Shares What’s Next for 2020
Guest: Bob Wills, ASA Chairman
ASA Chairman Bob Wills has seen a lot of changes to the association in 2019. Listen in as Bob talks about his first year as Chairman and shares his thoughts on where the Automotive Service Association has been and where it’s going. From autonomous vehicles, advanced driver assist systems and how data access and cyber security can impact ASA members, this is a look ahead at what ASA will be working on for its members in 2020!
- Accomplishments, Changes and a new Executive Director
- A record year for ASA Affiliate training events
- TTF & MSO events celebrate eight years of growth
- Facing the shared challenges of mechanical and collision members
- Building on communication, outreach and representation
- The return of CARS in 2020
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