Episode 59 – Training the Next Generation: CTE Programs in the Age of COVID – Part 2

Episode 59 – Training the Next Generation: CTE Programs in the Age of COVID – Part 2
Guest: Robert Lyle, Automotive Instructor at Westbury High School in Houston, Texas
Robert Lyle is the Automotive Instructor at Westbury High School in Houston, Texas. In the second of a two-part Podcast Series, we’ll talk with an instructor a high school Career and Technology Education (CTE) program who is working to train the next generation of automotive repair technicians. It’s a challenging task made even harder by the current pandemic. More than ever before, both secondary and post-secondary CTE programs need the help of ASA members and the entire industry in preparing the technical talent we so sorely need to create and grow successful businesses and attract more fresh talent to replace an aging workforce as they retire. Hear all about it as Robert shares his perspective on such topics as:.
- How the Houston Independent School District is planning on starting fall classes by using technology and Microsoft Teams.
- The challenges of internet access for students in the inner city and what some large cellular providers are doing to open up their hotspots to help.
- The personal challenges some students face as they try to learn while helping their families cope with the CORONA crisis.
- How instructors and students will go face-to-face for hands-on instruction and a few creative ideas for using a hybrid video strategy to meet the need.
- How Robert used the vehicles in his driveway as lesson aids for video training, including an old-school classic ’63 NOVA up to the latest vehicle technology.
- Roberts personal journey from student to instructor at Westbury High.
- Westbury’s Maintenance & Light Repair (MLR) accreditation through the ASE Education Foundation and how they are expanding into diagnostics and more.
- The internship programs Robert has arranged through local dealerships and independent shops, and why they are critical to a student’s success.
- How ASA members and other repair shops can tap into the CTE program in their area to find the technical talent they need.
- The biggest challenges facing high school CTE programs and what you can do to help.